Per 1 januari 2016 is Middelkoop Duiven overgenomen door Visser Duiven bv.
Onze krachten zijn gebundeld waardoor we u nog beter kunnen helpen met het snel en slim oplossen van uw logistieke vraagstukken.
Lees hier meer over deze overname.
Our hub in Duiven is completely equipped for cross docking. By eliminating the Warehousing and order picking, we accelerate the distribution process towards your clients. The trucks are unloaded at one of the 105 docks or our distribution centre, whereafter we sort, check and make the shipments ready for delivery.
In order to know exactly the shipment location, well organized processes are essential. Hence, our distribution processes are highly automated. As a client, you are able to track & trace your shipment.
'We make sure that your shipments will be processed with quailty'